• Question: is there any days that you just don't want to be a scientist anymore?

    Asked by Sarah-Louise Thompson to Ruth, John, Emma, Dilip, Andrew on 11 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: John Gleeson

      John Gleeson answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      Yep. Yesterday! 😛 but everyday is different and that’s what makes it awesome. So one crap day doesn’t ruin the week. Then sometimes I’ll take mental health days to recoup and destress

    • Photo: Ruth Hamill

      Ruth Hamill answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      Not really, it is important to enjoy your time off and do other things though… and I do occasionally dream of working in a record shop – not that those really exist anymore sadly!

    • Photo: Andrew Quigley

      Andrew Quigley answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      No I enjoy life as a scientist (although the instrument that I use for my experiments broke down yesterday, so I was close to giving up!).

      To add to John’s answer, if you’ve been having a bad week and nothing has worked, it only takes one good result to really put a spring back in your step! The important thing is to just keep going, you never know how close you are to that great result 🙂

    • Photo: Emma Feeney

      Emma Feeney answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      Yes, some days you just think ugh, why am I doing this, like when you have a crazy busy week, or when you apply for grants and don’t get them, But thats not unique to science! Everyone gets sick of their job sometimes and wishes they could head off to Spain or somewhere and leave it all behind! But then another day something great happens, and its all worth it 🙂
